Magh 2081 Interest Rate Updated

The interest rate for the month of Magh 2081, so far published by BFI’s, has been updated.

Further, we have made some feature addition to the website. They are:

Firstly, a new button “sort by Time” has been added and that will help mainly depositors as they can now know the highest rate within that time slot.

Secondly, we have made the loan section more mobile responsive and the rates visibility is easy to the eye.

Thirdly, we have added an enquire button whereby those of you who want to enquire about loans can submit details which will be submitted to partner BFI’s and interested BFI’s will call you. Remember, bankbyaj will never, ever call or message you.

Lastly, the rate updation time has been minimized to be done by “Masanta’s” midnight from now onwards.


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Nov 20, 2021